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College Blog

A great week and a great year - thank you!

This will be last blog of the academic year. There is always a lot to reflect back on at the end of the year, but I will start with some thoughts on activities week.


Our ‘new look’ activities was really fantastic. Instead of activities in College, we planned to make sure there was a range of new things for you to try – you don’t just learn in the classroom. Last week, we had:

  • Year 7 on a residential in the New Forest
  • Year 8 on site, learning bushcraft, first aid, orienteering, sports competitions, cheerleading and rockets, Petworth Park, Woolbeeding amongst many other things.
  • Year 9 went to Belgium on a residential
  • Year 10 went on work experience
  • Year 12 went on work experience


    We certainly packed a lot in to the four days – thank you for your fantastic participation.


    This week, we have normal lessons on Monday to Wednesday, with our sponsored walk on Thursday and sports day on Friday. A reminder to you all to raise as much money as you can for Chestnut Tree House – a charity that has directly helped children in our College.


    As I reflect back over the year, I think it has been really very positive in a number of ways. I tell you frequently that you make us what we are. What we are is a strong College community that tries its best to get better every day. We know we don’t always get it right, but know we are constantly trying to improve. Thank you.


    Have a good week and a great summer holiday.

Developing Education with Character
Welcome back to a new school year!

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