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College Blog

A great week – well done!

I would like to start this week by saying a huge well done to you all. I visited nearly all, if not all, classrooms last week and saw you focussed, working hard and doing well. A massive well done and thank you to you for your work and dedication. In terms of our values, you are definitely showing you want to achieve – this is great and we must keep it up.

 I also think that you look incredibly smart. You always wore the correct uniform; now you are wearing it correctly too. It is good to see so many of you going ‘above and beyond,’ helping others and demonstrating respect in your daily interactions and support of one another. Well done for this too.

 We had a visitor in College last week who has been coming to the College for a number of years. He commented to me that he felt that the College feels happy and welcoming. You are the reason that this is the case – let’s make sure we build on this and do even better in the future. We have over 200 Year 7 for next year – part of the reason parents are choosing us is because of the warm welcome you give them. Thank you.


Opportunities at MRC:

A few things to make you aware of:

·         It is our awards’ evening on Wednesday this week. Well done to all who have been given awards – I look  forward to seeing you there on Wednesday

·         Will Balcombe with Mr North, spent the afternoon at Stedham campsite putting the finishing touches to an outside seating area, which is a project led by the College 6th Form.

·         The 6th Form has strengthened its link with a local IT firm which provides support services to GSA group. The company director visited MRC and has agreed to take five Y12 students for work experience – two working as illustrators for a new online game venture and three for experience with coding. In September, two ex-Y13 students were successfully recruited by the company.

·         Edward Bonham-Carter, vice chairman of Jupiter Fund Management PLC, spoke to a group of Y9 to 12 students about his experience in the finance sector and how he came to work for Jupiter. Answered questions from students – a really positive experience

·         Vast majority of Y10 have secured a work experience placement!


House Captains:

Your House Captains support the leadership of the College and help in variety of ways. From this week, they will all wear a different coloured tie as well as their badge to show who they are and their role.

 Welcome back!:

Welcome back to our German Exchange students who spent a week in Munich, Germany, staying with host families.

 Please remember….

Travel to College this week (and next) may be a little more difficult than normal. Please make sure you take extra care to and from College, as some of you will have to walk further than you currently do. Your safety is number 1 priority for us.


I said in assembly that my tub of miniature heroes would go to the hardest working class I saw on my visits to lessons. It was not easy to decide and I had to visit some classes several times. In the end, I asked Mr Brimacombe to help! Well done to Mrs Evans Year 9 group!


Have a good week.

Welcome back!
A new week and a new look website!

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