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College Blog

A very good first week back!

I’d like to start this blog by thanking you all for a very positive first week back. We have visited several lessons and have seen you working well and making good progress – let’s keep that up, please. I have added a new section in the blog on ‘notices for the week,’ which will contain information on assessments, internals and other events for the week ahead. 

In my assemblies with you last week, I asked you all to make an extra effort to greet each other and staff in lessons and in corridors. I have definitely seen a lot of you doing this as well as responding to each other, which is great to see. Thank you and please keep it up. The canteen also looks very clean and tidy after both break and lunch and you are clearly also showing respect for our College by making an effort to keep it clean and tidy. This was noticed by our visitors from United Learning when they came before Christmas.


The theme of my assemblies last week was on opportunity and achievement. There were several trips, visits and activities last term and there are more planned for this term, too. Already this term, some of our Year 10 students visited The Globe Theatre in London to help with their understanding of Macbeth. There will be other opportunities this term for you to take advantage of too. I would encourage you to take advantage of these, if you can.


Notices for this week:

  • Year 10 have internals this week: English (paper 1) and maths on Tuesday and English (paper 2) on Wednesday. These will take place in the hall
  • Year 13 have BTEC business external exam on Wednesday
  • Year 7 parents’ evening is on Wednesday
  • Year 9 Booster vaccinations take place on Thursday


Good luck to all students who have exams


Sports results:

The following are the sports results for this week. Thank you to all students who represent our College:


  • The U16 girls’ basketball team came 2nd in the area tournament. Lady of the match was Ella-Jane Creasey.


  • In the area indoor athletics competition Year 7 boys, Year 8 boys and Year 8 girls all came 2nd overall. Year 7 girls came 3rd. All teams were excellent with some brilliant individual performances.


Have a good week.

Happy New Year!
Lots to celebrate!

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