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College Blog

A very Happy New Year to you all and I would like to welcome you to my first Principal’s blog.

It was fantastic to welcome all students back to College this week. The students look smart and are keen to learn and do well. I have visited several lessons this week and have seen students engaged in learning and working hard. You will be aware that in December we held a ‘visioning day’. On this day, we asked all students to give their views on what our College should look and feel like in the future. The students produced some fantastic work and put some very interesting ideas forward. The students’ comments said that they want to be successful, achieve and be happy at MRC. There were many other areas that students raised and the student council will now review these and report back to their peers so that we can move this forward. Giving students a greater voice in their College will also be a large part of this.


Another area students want to see improved is our rewards policy. We will review over the coming weeks and students will be given an opportunity to contribute to a renewed system that recognises their achievements both in and out of the classroom. I will update parents on this in a future blog. 

Last week was a particularly busy and also a very positive week in College

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