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Activities week – something different

Activities Week 2019 is nearly upon us and it is jam packed! Activities Week is where we go beyond the timetabled curriculum and give you opportunities to do something different. On Monday, those of you who are on-site will take part in a sponsored walk around Midhurst, raising funds for Sussex Snowdrop Trust; it’s really important that we support local charities in this way and it is key to our value of ‘respect’.  During Tuesday to Friday, there are several activities challenging for you to experience to develop your mental and physical abilities.

Activities for the week range from a Discovery Day in science where students will work towards completing a Crest Award to students designing and creating part of a wooden jigsaw/mosaic that will form part of a display here at MRC. Some of you will venture into the local area visiting local heritage sites, orienteer around Midhurst or visit the Cowdray estate.

On site, we have a re-enactor taking some of you through WWI experiences, bush craft professionals and archery coaches. Further afield, a number of you will be enjoying residential trips to West Dean, the New Forest and Barcelona, where you will encounter new experiences.

Due to the nature of the week, you will not need to be in uniform. As a number of activities are hands on/physical in nature, we would ask that you wear suitable clothing and not their best outfit! If you are taking part in the ‘Be Active, Be Aware’ activity (they will be told this next week), we would ask that you wear your PE kit, as jeans etc. will be restrictive. We would also ask that you wear their PE kit on Friday 12 July too. Activities Week, here we come!

As well as the activities in school, all Year 10 will be on work experience for the week, learning about and experiencing the world of work!

Congratulations to Tennyson on winning the House drama cup! Also, a huge well done to Louise Byers, Mia Huggett, Eveline Dowling, Adaleigh Buckrell, Pearl Williams and Frankie-Mai Gallagher who came in first place! Also, a great performance of ‘Mudlarks’ on Tuesday evening!

Thank you to Mrs Bell and Mrs Wallis for organising a fantastic Year 11 prom!

Notices for the week:

  • Year 6 transition day on Wednesday
  • Year 10 and 12 parents’ evening on Tuesday
  • Festival of Speed trip on Thursday and Friday
  • Year 13 prom on Thursday evening at Cowdray golf club


Sports results:
We have had some fixtures last week, but not any results at the time of writing this. Thank you to all of you who represent our College! Results will be in the blog next week.

Have a good week!



Sponsored Walk
Doing something different

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