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College Blog

Anti-bullying Ambassadors

The MRCAllsorts group wrote Last week’s blog on the topic of tolerance and respect for others. We have had two visitors in College this week, both of whom have been incredibly positive you and your behaviour. Increasingly, I see you doing the right thing, being polite and well mannered. Thank you – let’s keep this up!

On Thursday last week, we had a representative from the Diana Award in College to work with volunteer students and staff to become anti-bullying ambassadors. We now have one ambassador in every tutor group and in a similar way to our house captains; they will wear a pin badge to indicate to others who they are. Their role is to help anybody in the College who is unhappy or who feels that other children are bullying them.

We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying and will always take action. Please make sure you make us aware if you have any issues that the anti-bullying ambassadors and we can support you. We will always inform parents / carers if we have concerns that this is happening, whether this is in College or outside. Thankfully, these incidents are very rare as the vast majority of you uphold our values and respect one another, whilst also promoting happiness, which in turn leads to high levels of achievement. Thank you – please keep this up.

Next week is mental health awareness week and Year 7 will be making wellbeing boxes in tutor time. Mrs Williams is organising this – a worthwhile cause.


Notices for this week:

  • GCSE exams start this week – good luck to all!
  • Year 9 ‘Be the Change’ on Wednesday
  • Year 10 University of Chichester visit on Tuesday
  • Rother Valley Fun Maths day on Friday


Sports results:

  • The year 10 girls athletics team came 2nd in the area competition.
  • Jacob Piper broke the 100m record at Mountbatten with a time of 11.2 seconds.
  • The year 8 girls team beat the Free school 97-57 in their first cricket game of the season.


Have a good week


Promoting Tolerance and Respect
MRC Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

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