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College Blog

Being Safe online

On Tuesday this week (5 February) is ‘safer internet day.’ I mentioned this in my blog last week, as you will know. We all use the internet at various times throughout the day. It has become an integral part of the way we live our lives. We use the internet to communicate, play games, TV, learn, complete homework, do shopping and to find out information from a variety of sources. It is a fantastic tool, when used appropriately. Assemblies this week will be on internet safety, as will PSCHE lessons.

There is also, sadly, a darker side to the internet. Too many people post unkind, or sometimes, offensive and hurtful messages about others online. This is cyber-bullying and is terrible way for people to be treated. There are also some people who seek to groom children, by making friends with them online and pretending to be someone who they aren’t. Please can I urge you, if you use social media, to make sure your security settings are high, that you only communicate with people that you know and that you don’t post anything unkind or hurtful about others. If you do see something that upsets or concerns you, please talk to us (any member of staff), or contact CEOP 

In assemblies, we mention to you about the importance of manners, being polite and respect. Please can I remind you all about saying a ‘good morning or afternoon’ to your teachers and each other. I see and hear lots of you doing this and it makes a massive difference to our College. Thank you

Notices for this week:

  • Trip to St John’s College Oxford
  • MRC Parents’ Association meeting 6 Feb at 18.45 in the library
  • Safer Internet Day, Tuesday 5 Feb
  • Year 11 and 13 classroom-based assessments

Sports results:
The year 10 girls cricket team came 2nd in an area tournament, losing by only three runs. Lady of the tournament was Bella Badenoch-Smith.

In the area cross country event we had lots of individual and team success:

  • Josh Eaton came 2nd in the year 7 boys’ race.
  • Louise Byers came 2nd in the year 7 girls’ race.
  • The year 7 girls team came 1st place, with all three girls finishing in the top 10.
  • Two year 8 boys (Benjy and Josh) finished in the top ten.
  • Amelie Hanrahan came 1st, and Tilly Russel-Stoneham came 2nd in the year 8 girls’ race.

The year 7 netball team lost their first league match against Bishop Luffa, but the performance was very promising.

A final thank you to Sophie Brownbill and Izzy Pollard for their excellent assembly on the Holocaust last week to us all. Lots to consider and to reflect upon.

Have a good week.



Remembering the Holocaust

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