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College Blog

Being the best you can be: independent learning and manners

I wanted to start this week by reminding you all about the forthcoming end of year assessments we have planned for years 7-10. We sent some work home for you to complete over the half-term holiday to help you to be fully prepared for these tests. The assessments are important and we want to see you all do your very best; we use your test papers to find out where your individual strengths and areas for development are. We then work to help you to learn the parts you may not have got right in the tests so that you are better prepared for the future.


We will also keep pushing independent learning and homework with you. It is important that you all get into the habit of working from home, as this will help you to get into good habits for the future.


I also wanted to thank you all for the way you conduct yourselves around the building and for being polite to staff and each other. I have noticed you make a real ‘step-up’ in relation to this over the last few months – it is important that we all do this, every day as this makes a positive difference to our College. The canteen looks great with hardly any litter after break and lunch – we now need the same to happen on the field too, please. This does need a push and a focus for a minority of you. Our Head Boy and Girl have been working with Mrs Chard on installing recycling bins – this will happen in the next few weeks.

Notices for this week:

  • Year 7-10 Awards evening on Wednesday from 7pm
  • Year 10 university visit to Surrey University on Tuesday
  • Year 11 leavers’ assembly on Friday
  • Year 9 art trip on Wednesday to Farnham
  • Year 10 assessments start

Sports results:

Thank you to everyone who represents our College

  • Year 8 girls’ cricket won their match convincingly! Well done to Endeah Boorah who was lady of the match.


Have a good week


Celebrations this week

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