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College Blog

Developing Education with Character

A key part of what we do at MRC is to develop ‘education with character.’ This is where you learn outside of the classroom as well as inside. It is about opportunity, doing the right thing, helping and supporting others (even if you aren’t asked to). It is also about developing resilience, tenacity and determination – learning that even if you have a setback, you just try harder.

Just in this last week, there were several things we did as a community to support each other. We had the whole-college photo, with our new Year 7 students, on the field. It was fantastic to have you all in one place at the same time. We also started work on our permanent MRC on the entrance to the College – Year 6 and 9 started this, all other year groups will do it before the end of term. It will make our values permanent and will be there for years to come.

I’d like to say a special thank you to all our year 9 students who buddied up with Year 6 on transition day last week. So good to see you helping the new members of our community – thank you.

A huge well done to Year 10 too for their work on the foodbank – helping others in the local community. The food you brought in will undoubtedly help families through the summer.

This week we have activities week. There is a lot going on here, too. Some of you will be in College, but the following gives an overview of the week:

  • Year 7 – residential to the New Forest
  • Year 8 – various activities on and off-site
  • Year 9 – residential trip to Belgium
  • Year 10 – work experience
  • Year 12 – work experience

We will do out sponsored walk on 19th July – even if it is hot!


Have a good week

A great week – well done!
A great week and a great year - thank you!

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