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College Blog

Drug Awareness

We are all aware that drugs can have a huge and very negative impact on health and wellbeing. It was good to have Dave Parvin in College on Thursday last week to talk about the dangers that different drugs present. The content was hard-hitting, quite rightly, as he talked about several young people who had sadly lost their lives due to taking drugs. His explanation about how alcohol can lead to other drug taking, particularly at parties, is something I would ask you all to be aware of – the dangers are very clear and you have the ability to make the right choices; please make sure you do.


Our policy on drugs is very clear and I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that we will permanently exclude students who are found in possession of illegal drugs on site. This is not new and is part of our behaviour policy. On another note, Dave was also hugely impressed with your behaviour and attitude throughout the presentations – his feedback to me was incredibly positive. Thank you.


A reminder that we will now put our new ‘Field or Film’ for lunchtimes in place. If the weather is good, we will open the field for you to use. If the field is closed due to bad weather, we will put a film on in the theatre for you to watch, should you wish to do so during lunchtime.


Thank you to those of you who came to our community day – a really good day showcasing us in the local community! Thank you to Mrs Hathaway for organising it.



  • Year 12 internal exams continue
  • MRC Parents Association meeting on Tuesday


Sports Results:

No sports results this week – fixtures will start again soon


Have a good week


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