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Happiness was chosen as one of our core values by students last year.

Every day, I see our students students working together and supporting one another. We care about all the students in the College and we work together to make MRC a better place to learn, grow and make friendships every day. I would like to ask all our students to reflect on how we can make the school even better so that every day is better than the day before. We will achieve this when we all try harder every day to be the best we can be and I'd like to ask all students to focus on this this week. We say 'we do what it takes for as long as it takes' and this applies to supporting one another as much as it does to classwork. 

We recently ran a competition in years 7 and 8 and asked students in those year groups to create posters about being environmentally friendly and to keep our College tidy. I will announce the winners in whole-school assembly this week and we will put the posters up around the school. It is our school and it is great to see students driving the efforts to keep the College looking good. Please can we all support this drive and make sure we always leave the College clean and tidy. Thank you. 

I'd like to mention all our students who participated in the Winter Concert. It was a brilliant evening and it was great to see students showing off their talents. Well done to everyone involved and a huge thank you Mrs Tidbury for organising the event. I'm looking forward to the concert in the Spring and I might even be better at the ukulele by then...

Another thank you and well done to our Senior and Intermediate Rotary Youth Speaks teams. Both of our debating teams won this week, which is a great achievement. My thanks to Mr Kemp for preparing the students and well done to the students for their achievement. 

I'd also like to give you an update on some sports results from last week. Our Year 9 netball team beat Chichester Free School 6-0, beat OSVA 5-2 and beat Felpham 7-6! Really great results and well done. Our Year 9 cross-country boys came second overall also a great achievement. The Year 10 boys football team played well but were beaten by OSVA last week 5-2. Well done to all for participating and representing MRC.  

Mrs Evans is leading our house assemblies this week on the theme of happiness and a reminder to all students that the College is closed on Friday 1st December. 

It was great to see students actively supporting Children In Need this week.
This week the focus of our assemblies is our value of Respect.

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