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College Blog

Happy New Year!

A very happy new year to you all – I hope you all had a very good break and are feeling ready for the term and year ahead.


We had a very busy end to last term. I would like to thank you all for your participation at the carol services in the church, as well as thanking the music and drama departments for their organisation of the two days. The Year 10 pantomimes were also excellent as were the end of term rewards assemblies and the Christmas fair, which was organised by our sixth form. We raised over £1300 on the day for Sussex Snowdrop Trust – a charity which gives vital support to families who have young children with life-limiting illnesses. One of our values is respect; it is clear that you demonstrated this with your support for others. Thank you.


The start of a new term brings the opportunity for a fresh start. I see you working hard, behaving well and making progress in lessons. It is important that we all ‘hit the ground running’ at the start of this new term. I look forward to seeing you continue to work hard in lessons. Well done to our Year 11 and 13 students on their mock exam results – they both show continued improvement from last year. Hard work and effort pays off!


Sports results

The following are the sports results from the week before the Christmas holiday. Thank you to all students who represent our College.


The year 8 football team beat Bourne Community College 5-1, with Fynn Verrall as man of the match.


The U14 girls’ basketball A team came first in the area tournament, with the B team coming 5th. Woman of the tournament was Charlotte Baker.


Have a good week


Working hard and doing well
A very good first week back!

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