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College Blog

Independent Learning

We want to make sure that you all achieve your very best results in your GCSE and A-Levels. This will only happen if you work hard in every lesson, every day. It is also essential that you complete all independent learning and homework tasks, as they support your learning and progress. We have written home to your parents about online learning you can do to help you to learn more.


The amount of work we expect you to do is different for every year group. One thing is the same for every student -we ask that you all do 30 minutes of hegarty maths every other day – this totals 90minutes per week for each you. It is important that you all do this. This is independent learning and will help you to close gaps in your maths knowledge.

It is different for students in year 11, who we also expect to do 30 minutes of hegarty every other day. Year 11 also have access to GCSE POD and we know that using this for 30 minutes every other day (the day you aren’t doing hegarty) will also make a massive difference to you. It is not much time, but little and often will definitely work and make a difference.


For those of you who arrive at school earlier, you are able to use the library in the morning to complete online learning tasks, as well as choosing homework clubs. It is important to get into good habits now to help you in the future.


Notices for this week:

  • Winter concert on 27th November


Sports results – thank you to everyone who represents our college:

No sports results this week (at the time of writing). I will get these from and update you all. Thank you to everyone who represented our College


Have a good week

The Importance of Remembrance
Being the best you can be

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