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College Blog

It has been a little while since I last added to this blog and a lot has happened since then. I have also written to all parents recently to update you with regard to life in the College.

The GCSE exams are now over and I am very pleased with the attitude our Year 11 students showed towards these exams. Their attendance was excellent and they appeared to be reasonably unfazed by most of the exams. I look forward to sharing their successes in the summer. 

In tutor time this week, we have been focussing on and discussion the Grenfell tragedy from last week. I am proud that our students showed such maturity in coming up with good ideas to raise funds. We will support survivors and families on our ‘wear green for Grenfell’ day on Friday. There will also be other fundraising activities on the day too.

Following the General Election, I have invited our new MP, Gillian Keegan, in to College. She will spend some time on Friday morning with us and will also talk with and be interviewed by some of our students. I am pleased that she has taken the time to come in and visit the school so soon after being elected. 

I am pleased to inform you that we are fully staffed for September. I am delighted with the quality of the new teachers we will have in College and look forward to welcoming them on their induction in two weeks time. 

We are particularly busy in the College at the moment, with students working hard to prepare for their exams in the Summer.
We are moving swiftly towards the end of term

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