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College Blog

Lest We Forget

This week, we commemorate The Armistice and remember the many millions of people who lost their lives in the World War One to give us the freedom we enjoy today. This is an important time for reflection across the World; many of you will have family members who fought and died in the War. It is right that we remember them and pay our respects to them. It is particularly significant this year, as it is 100 years since the War ended. We have a series of events in College this week and we will come together as a community for the minute’s silence on Friday at 11am. I would like to thank the students who have made the fantastic bunting which is on display in the canteen and I look forward to seeing pay your respects to the Fallen. Please make the effort to buy a poppy; these are available from student reception.


We will also have family and friends from Corporal David O’Connor in College on Friday. Corporal O’Connor attended our College and was killed in Afghanistan in October 2014. I know you will make them welcome and will pay your respects to them.



Our first fireworks event on Friday was a fantastic success. Up to three thousand people came to the College to see the display and also to watch the fantastic live music. We also had food, refreshments, a bar for adults and many other things for people to do. It was good to open our doors to the local community and I am grateful to the MRC Parents’ Association for their work in making the event such a success. Thank you to those of you who came and also to our performers: indigo blue and red rock. I would also like to thank our staff who helped, Midhurst Rotary, the Fire Service and also St John’s Ambulance. A great evening! The money that was raised will be used by the Parents’ Association to support you in College.


Sports Results

This week’s sports results follow. As always, a huge thank you to those of you who represent our College.


Year 10 netball team beat Bishop Luffa 13-2


Year 10 rugby team lost to Bishop Luffa by 12 tries to nil – Man of the match Keerthi Sathananthan


Have a good week and well done for your excellent behaviour in lessons. I visited many classes last week and was really impressed with what I saw.



Welcome back to a new half-term!
Thank you and well done

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