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College Blog

On Thursday we welcomed three visitors from United Learning to the College.

This week we will hold our Remembrance Assembly. I took the house assemblies last week and said to students that it would be fantastic to see them all with a poppy either on or before the day. I am sure they will rise to this challenge. A little bit of advance notice that 17th November is Children In Need. This will be a non-uniform day in aid of this charity and we ask that students donate £1.00 to this fantastic course to support children in this country and also farther afield. 

Earlier last week we sent a letter home with regard to how we will communicate with you, should we need to close the school due to bad weather. Clearly we hope this will not be the case, but I feel it is better to be prepared just in case. This information is on our website. I would also like to remind parents that we have the MRCA this week, which Mr Thompson will lead on E-Safety. 

A final point to finish on. Year 7 have completed a task on castles this week. The work they did was absolutely fantastic and they deserve huge credit for it!

The first half-term this year was very positive and saw a large number of students working hard and achieving well.
This has been a particularly busy week in College and there is much to update you about.

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