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College Blog

Our College and the community

I wanted to start by thanking all the students who helped on the open evenings we had over the last two weeks. We had two very busy evenings – one for year 6 and also for Year 11. Lots of families and students came to visit our College and what impressed them most, as always, was your behaviour, manners and politeness – thank you. I’d also like to thank the students who helped by giving tours to Year 6 students and their parents – parents were very complimentary about you.

This week our whole-college assembly was led by our students on sustainability. The head boy and girl are leading our drive on sustainability and have put a lot of actions into place, which we should all be grateful. We now have various recycling points across the College for different packages and items, a push to be plastic free in the canteen, composting and to be carbon neutral for all trips and visits. They are doing a brilliant job! It would be good if you could all try to bring water bottles to College to refill, as opposed to buying them – a challenge for you all!

My last point this week is a reminder about our fireworks evening on 8th November. It was a great night last year and I look forward to seeing you there! Tickets are on sale and are cheaper if bought in advance.

Please keep up your good manners and respect around the College with regard to meeting and greeting each other – it makes a real difference!


Notices for this week:

  • Year 7 parents information evening
  • Year 13 classroom based assessments

Sports results – no sports results this week.

Have a good week



A short but busy week
The last week of a busy half-term

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