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College Blog

Promoting Tolerance and Respect

This week’s blog is written by the MRC AllSorts group, a national programme which support LGBT+ young people. You will have seen staff with rainbow ribbons on their lanyards as well as rainbow stars in classroom and office windows. This is to show that we support LGBT+ at MRC and that we promote tolerance and respect, irrespective of an individual’s gender or sexuality. You are able to talk with these members of staff about LGBT+ issues, should you wish to do so. They will either help you themselves, or signpost you to another member of staff.

Our College’s relatively new MRC AllSorts programme has been steadily growing since the Spring term of 2018. Founded by Mr Thompson and a group of like-minded sixth-formers (one of which is writing this blog!) with the goal of creating a safe and accepting community for the College’s LGBT+ students. From the very beginning it’s been an outstanding success – we have a number of students across all year groups who are part of our AllSorts group.

One year on, we have busy meetings every Wednesday in the dance studio – which any and all students are welcome to attend, as despite having the original objective of an LGBT+ safe space, MRC AllSorts accepts everybody, regardless of how they identify – the core belief of the group is tolerance and acceptance – and we have in fact had a good few non-LGBT+ attendees who have just come along to be with their friends. All are welcome.

Our MRC AllSorts group and our other LGBT+ initiatives around the College are all ways of showing that we want to nurture and support the diversity within our student base and, with dedicated students and staff behind it, it’s only going to improve over time. As Mr Edwards said in our assembly last week, it is important that as a College we are tolerant and respectful of each other in our College community.

Notices for this week:

  • GCSE art exams – good luck to all!
  • Year 10 university of Chichester experience day
  • Rother Valley Year 5 fun maths day at MRC
  • Cambodia and Vietnam expedition meeting on Thursday at 6.00p,


Sports results:

The year 10 softball team came third in a tournament, they will aim to improve going into the next few games.

Oliver Thornhill (Y11) has made it into the U18 GB Softball team - a huge congratulations to him.

Erin Berry (Y10) has won the national finals for rock climbing, after coming first in Sheffield last week. This is an incredible achievement and we cannot wait to see what is next for Erin.


Have a good week

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