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College Blog

“Success is never final; failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts”

The above quote is going to be stencilled on the wall on the first floor over the half-term break. I think it is a very powerful and one that we can all learn and take something from. I think it does need a little further explanation.

Sometimes we are successful – that could be on the sports field, in a competition, or we achieve good or improved grades in an assessment. These are all clear demonstrations of success and we all understand this – our Year 11 and 13 were successful in their exams last year. The quote tells us that despite being successful, this is not ‘final,’ we have to continue to work to make sure that we maintain our success.

Sometimes we get try and we fail - we aren’t successful. This is not fatal – in these cases we must learn from it, be resilient and try harder next time.

Courage is incredibly important. It takes real courage to be successful and to continue to work hard to do better and stay successful – to be the best and be determined to stay there. It also takes courage to try again when you have failed. In both cases, it really is courage that counts.

Make the most of every opportunity and push yourselves to excel. Also – keep our College tidy! I am hugely impressed with your work, effort and behaviour. Well done and keep it up.

No sports results this week – we’ll catch up on all these next week

Have a good week

‘Get Ahead, Stay Ahead’ – our big push!
Doing better every day and fireworks tickets on sale in reception!

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