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The focus of our assemblies and tutor time this week is our value of Respect.

Respect is crucial to the way the College operates. We had a visiting Vice Principal from another United Learning Academy last week. Mrs Close spent time talking to student and she was incredibly impressed with you and the way you show respect for each other. Respect for and tolerance of individual differences is really important and is something we must all uphold. We are open minded’ is a key phrase from our Respect poster and we must all live by this.


We have been focussing on keeping our College tidy, especially over the last two weeks. I think it is looking much better – thank you for your efforts on this. Clearing up after yourself at break or lunch is the right thing to do and I would remind you all of the need to do this – we must keep going and look after our College. Your movement around the College using end stairwells has made a massive difference – let’s keep this up.


This week will be very busy in College. We have Year 11 mock exam results assembly, Year 7 trip to Southampton University, Carol Services and Year 11, 12 and 13 parent evening. We will have a ‘wear your Christmas jumper to school day’ on the last day of term, and I would ask for a donation of £1.00 for this, which will go to support Sussex Snowdrop Trust, a charity which support children who have life limiting illnesses. A fantastic cause.


Some sport results from last week:

Year 9 boys rugby beat Tanbridge House School 27-24. Archie Largan and Alfie West were ‘Man of the Match’

Year 9 boys football beat Chichester Free School 4-2 with Oliver Paice as man of the match

Year 8 boys football beat Chichster Free School 3-1 with Fraser Ford as man of the match

Year 10 girls netball beat Chichester High School 20-4 and also beat The Regis School 18-7. Lady of the match was Ella Creasy for both

Year 9 girls netball beat Chichester High School 9-3 and also beat the Academy Selsey 13-1. Lady of the match was Eleni Georgiou.


We also participated in a swimming gala at Winchester College this week. Stand out performers were Seb Hadnett (Year 10) and Frankie Dugan (Year 9).

Some fantastic achievements here – well done to all and for representing our College!


To finish, I thought I would share the list of trips and visits we ran over the last year for students in various year groups. We ran residentials to: Belgium, Iceland, Cologne, Lille, Normandy, Paris, Germany, Poland (twice), Sevillle, Borneo and New York. There are other trips and visits planned for the rest of the year – great experiences if you are able to take part and my thanks to staff for running them.  

This week the focus of our assemblies is our value of Respect.
This term has gone by very quickly and there is a lot to reflect on as we approach the Christmas holiday.

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