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College Blog

This has been a particularly busy week in College and there is much to update you about.

On Wednesday last week (8th November) Gillian Keegan, our local MP, came to visit the College. Gillian has a wealth of experience having worked in industry for many years prior to being elected to Parliament. During her visit, she taught a Year 10 business class and also led a session with our scholars group, giving information about her background also taking questions from students. 

Our MRC Parents Association was well attended on Thursday and it covered a very important topic. Mr Thompson took the session, ably supported by students, on how to keep your child safe online. This presentation I feel was invaluable; issues with social media, including sexting, grooming are sadly becoming more commonplace nationally. We must do all we can to help educate our students with this about the dangers on the internet. Mr Thompson's presentation is on our website under 'Parents and Students, MRC Parents, Online Safety.' I encourage you all to look through this. 

On Friday we held our Remembrance Assembly for the whole College. Students were impeccable throughout. The respect they all showed during this assembly makes me proud to lead the College with such fantastic students. I am also grateful to Mr Hickman and Mr Harris for leading the assembly. 

Mr Lloyd has added a section to our website on assessment. This signposts for parents when our assessments will take place throughout the year. This is useful information to help plan revision for High and Low Stakes Tests. Whilst on assessments, I am pleased to report that Year 11 are working hard in mocks exams. 

A reminder about students using Hegartymaths. All students should use it for 30 minutes every other day, as well as a creating revision cards every week. This will help to embed learning. 

Finally, an acknowledgement that I have not always been good at keeping up to date with my blog.... I will update this every week to keep the College update with regard to life at MRC. With that in mind, it is Children In Need day next Friday. 

On Thursday we welcomed three visitors from United Learning to the College.
It was great to see students actively supporting Children In Need this week.

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