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College Blog

Welcome back!

Welcome back to a new term. I hope you all had a very good and restful half-term. Thank you to those students and staff who came in over the holiday to work on preparation for the forthcoming exams – it will definitely help you.


We cannot start the new term without thinking about the challenges that some places and people in the World have seen over the last two weeks. You will no doubt have seen that Notre Dame in Paris was on fire and has suffered huge damage. The French President, Emmanuel Macron, has already stated that it will be rebuilt, but acknowledges that it will take some time to do this. You will also have seen the terrible terrorist attacks that took place in Sri Lanka over the Easter weekend. At the time of writing this blog, nearly 300 people have been killed in separate explosions. These are innocent people going about their daily lives; it is right that we remember them.


This week, as we start the new term, I would like to focus on some key messages for you all. There will be some changes with regard to break and lunch and before College. Before College starts, only Year 11 will be allowed in the building; this is to allow them the space to revise quietly either in the canteen or library. This is the same as we have done for the last two years. In addition, we will have either a ‘film or field’ day at lunch. If it is dry, the field will be open; if it is wet, we will play a film in the theatre. By opening these spaces, I would ask you not to be in the hub area at break or lunch. We will trial this to see how it works over the coming weeks.



  • We have a Drugs Awareness Day on Thursday this week. Each year group will have an assembly led by an external speaker. This will be followed up by a presentation to parents in the evening.
  • This Saturday is our annual community day – I hope to see many of you there. It starts at 10am.
  • Wishing our GCSE languages all the very best for speaking tests which start this week


Sports Results:

No sports results this week


Have a good week

This half-term has gone by very quickly and we are very nearly at the Easter holiday!
Drug Awareness

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