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Welcome Back! I hope you all had a good half-term

I hope everyone had a good half-term. This next half-term is also very short, as Easter is early this year. That means that we have a lot to cram in over the next five and a half weeks. Most important, of course, is that you continue to do your best in every lesson, every day, as well as at break and lunch. We do what it takes for as long as it takes is a good value to live by and as we start back after the holiday, you have the opportunity to make sure that you do this. A reminder to you all: Work hard to be a better person today than you were yesterday – we must all do this. It isn’t an option if you want to achieve your goals now and in the future.

 Some very important points to make you all aware of… Year 11 have internal exams which start at the end of this week. These are a really important last bit of preparation for the GCSEs and it is important that you all work hard to prepare for these. We have parents’ evenings this half-term, options evenings and a Spring concert, as well as our weekly sport fixtures – it is going to be busy inside and outside of the classroom.

 You will have noticed a photo of some of our Year 12 students on the website who took part in a mudrun to raise money for sports and outdoor education. The boys did brilliantly well on a very cold day – it was 4C outside and a very cold wind. They all completed the course (as did Mr Brimacombe) and raised well over £1000 – well done to them!

 We also have a new Head Boy and Head Girl team, who will be introduced at the Gilbert Hannam evening on 15th March. Our new Head Girl is Sophie Brownbill and Deputy Head Girl is Belle West. Our Head Boy is Joe Ferris and Deputy Head Boy is Alfie Coulson. We had a fantastic number of applicants – thank you to all who applied and were interviewed. You should all be very proud of yourselves.

 You will know from assemblies and PSCHE lessons before half-term that February is LGBT history month. It is important as a College that we promote tolerance towards each other, irrespective of gender, sexuality, ethnicity or race. We treat each other the way we wish to be treated is another of our core values – we must all adhere to this too.

 You will notice a few changes in the college building that have taken place over half-term. We also have some other changes planned over the next few weeks:

·         New entry system by the canteen. This is to make the school site more secure

·         We will move the water fountains to the canteen instead of corridors. They don’t drain properly and you will all have noticed that they sometimes leak. The new fountains won’t do this.

·         We will have a new entry system to the school front door to make the front of the school more secure too


Sports results from before half-term. Well done to all – irrespective of your result – and thank you for representing our College:


Year 7 netball team won 13-6 against Bishop Luffa 

Year 7 netball team won 9-0 against St Philip Howard 


Year 9 football team lost 5-1 against St Philip Howard 


Year 11 rugby team won 17-13 against Oriel school – Man of the match was Tom Claydon


Have a good week – make sure you complete all your Hegartymaths work!

My message this week will focus mainly on safety
Thank you all for a busy and positive first week back.

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