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Ofsted Outstanding

A short but busy week

Janet Gibbs 0 4445

I hope you all had a very good longer weekend. Last week was very busy in the College. We had 270 year 6 students in College, which definitely made it feel very busy! I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you who were involved in the day as helpers, but also to everyone else for making the year 6 students feel really welcome.

Maintaining a good start

Janet Gibbs 0 4202

I remain incredibly impressed by the way you are working in lessons. I have been into several classes this week and have seen you working hard and making progress. Well done and keep it up! One of our values is achievement and within this, there is the statement: we do what it takes for as long as it takes. I am pleased to say that I am seeing this in lessons – it is important that we all work to maintain and improve these high levels. You do not get to the top, or stay at the top without putting in maximum effort all the time. Whilst I have seen you working hard, I will challenge you all to work even harder.


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