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Creativity in the Classroom

This week, Sally Tidbury explores ways of finding creative opportunities to enhance learning even in subjects not typically thought of as 'creative'.

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“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” Benjamin Franklin


I often hear that it must be nice to teach a “creative” subject.  However, in my experience all subjects have an element of creativity, depending on what your definition of creativity is. 

Although music may be creative in an obvious way, we still have to teach theory and content for an exam.  In this blog, I wanted to explore how a creative classroom can support the learning of our students. 

Taking pride in your appearance

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This week will see the introduction of the MRC Proud cards. You have two key challenges with this card: to try to get as many ‘above and beyond’ signatures as possible. This will show that you are helping other students or staff in our school through being polite, hardworking and respectful. The other challenge is to keep your card completely clean, which will show that you always wear your MRC uniform with pride, that you look smart and are ready to learn. There will be house competitions and rewards for the house that gets the most clean cards, as well as above and beyond signatures. You may well win something for yourself, as well as for your house.

What Makes Effective Groupwork?

Simon Hills considers some of the issues around collaborative learnng

News Editor 0 6372

We’ve all done it, ‘Ok we are doing group work today….’ and we get the students into groups and then give a task.

Our expectation is that they know how to work in a group with other students, some who are more able than them, some less, others quiet, some loud etc!

How much actual work and progress are they all making in this scenario?

If we can get this right and train the students then the research suggests they can make gains quite rapidly in small collaborative work with each other.

Speed Dating CPD session

Sharing good practice

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Educational research shows that one of the most effective ways of delivering meaningful CPD to teachers is to give them the opportunity to discuss good practice and ideas together.

This was the rationale behind our very successful Speed Dating CPD session on Friday 4th May.

How do your actions impact on others?

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Last week’s whole College assembly focussed on tolerance and respect – making sure that we are tolerant of individual differences and that we respect each other at all times. This means that, irrespective of gender, religion, race, sexuality or intellectual ability we must always treat others the way in which we want to be treated ourselves. As a College community, I think we are very good at this and I am proud of this. 


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