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The first half-term this year was very positive and saw a large number of students working hard and achieving well.

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Our E-Praise system is now a part of daily life in College and we share students’ successes in house assemblies every fortnight.  I am leading assemblies with students this week and I will be challenging them to consider how they compare to some quotes we now have on display around the College. We have paraphrased (and slightly shortened) Aristotle’s quote which is “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit.’ My challenge to students in the assemblies I am leading is to make excellence into a habit; it is only through always putting maximum effort into improving our work and behaviour that we will do better. This is the same for staff as it is for students and we will return to this throughout the year. 

We are still visiting lessons every day to see how students are working and this Thursday we will host visitors from Untied Learning, who will come in to see lessons, talk to students and challenge us to continue to improve. I will be able to update parents / carers with feedback next week.  




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