Being the best you can be
Our school community has grown over the last few years and we now have just under 1100 children. One of our values is respect and it is essential that we all show this to each other, all the time. I know we don’t get everything right all the time (no one does), but it is also important that when we make mistakes we take the opportunity to learn from them and do better next time. Respect for others and respecting yourself are equally important, as is thinking about and considering others. Always remember to treat others as you would wish them to treat you – it makes a real difference.
You will notice that the corridors are quite busy at every lesson changeover and at break and lunch. I have asked all your teachers to let you straight into class without lining up outside classrooms, as this makes movement in the corridors much easier for everyone. I’d also like to remind you that we have several staircases – please can you use the stairs at the end of the corridors – this will make a massive difference to movement and space.
With 1100 children, there is not enough space in the canteen for everyone at lunchtime. This means that you must clear up after yourself and put all rubbish in the bin. Other people will use the table after you and keeping the area clean and clear shows respect both for the College and also for other students. Please remember to keep our college tidy and put all rubbish in the bin.
Notices for the week:
- Winter concert on Wednesday
- INSET day on Friday – College closed to students
- Remember to complete your online learning! Hegarty maths!
Sports results:
No sports results this week
Have a good week