Celebrations this week
There is a lot to celebrate this week! We had our awards evening on Wednesday last week, which was incredibly well attended. We gave out our highest number of awards ever on the evening, which is testimony to the hard work and good effort you are putting into your work. It is also great to have the opportunity to share your successes. Well done to all.
On Friday, we had our year 11 leavers’ assembly. The vast majority of the year 11 exams are now over and all of the bigger exams have finished. It was a really positive assembly and they year group got to see photos of themselves when they were much younger and just starting at the school. Year 13 have had their leavers’ assembly too and I look forward to seeing both year groups and celebrating with you at the proms at the end of the month and in July.
Year 10 have started their end of year assessments this week and I would like to congratulate the year group on fantastic, behaviour and attitude. Really good start – keep it up, please!
A reminder to you all – we sent work home for you to do over the half-term break. This work will help prepare you for the forthcoming assessments – make sure you complete it, please! We will be reviewing your sets based on the results of these tests, so they are very important.
Notices for this week:
- Art, Design and technology exhibition on Tuesday
- Sounds of Musicals on Thursday and Friday
- Year 10 University of Reading trip on Saturday
- Year 10 end of year assessments continue
Sports results:
No sports results this week
Have a good week