Changes to this blog
You will notice that the title of the blog has changed. Last week, our new Head Boy and Head Girl wrote the Principal’s blog. It was great to read about them and also what they want to do for our College. They mentioned more inter-house competitions, a focus on recycling (going plastic free) and also greater links between Key Stage 5 and the rest of the school. I look forward to seeing these items moved forward in the future.
From now on, I will write the blog once per fortnight and different students, groups of students or teachers will write it in the other week. Next week, I have asked Mr Hills to work with our House Captains on writing our College blog. In each blog, they will write about who they are, what they are working on and what they are looking to develop in our College. The groups who will be asked to write for us (this is not an exhaustive list) are: MRC Allsorts, Literacy Leaders, Student Council, Heads of House, the PE department amongst many others! This will help to make communication across our College stronger and help to strengthen the College community: a key part of our value of respect.
It is important as a College that we tackle issues head-on. This week, you may have heard about the MOMO videos on Youtube and also the risks of using the social media Tiktok. We had safer internet day a few weeks ago, but it is essential that the points raised in this are focussed on all the time. Please keep your security settings high and if you have concerns, please talk to us.
Have a good week.