End of term – looking back and forward.
The Spring term will very soon be over. It is the shortest term of the year, but we have put a lot in to it…. Concerts, sports fixtures, charity events, parents evenings, quiz night, mud run, Gilbert Hannam Awards and lots of educational trips and visits. This is to name but a few of the things we have done and you have participated in. Thank you for your continued hard work and effort in lessons too. The vast majority of you work hard all the time, most of you work hard most of the time. I am a big believer that we can all put more effort in to our work and strive to always do better.
Student voice:
On Friday I did my first student voice question and answer session in the theatre. We didn’t count the number of students, but it was well attended with about 100+ students there. The students who did attend were able to ask questions on any topic they chose and about anything in College. I am very grateful to the students who came to this session and also to the those who asked the questions. We will repeat this every week with different members of the leadership team so that you can ask them questions too. The topics we covered this week were very wide-ranging, from mobile phones, our values, E-Praise, behaviour system and eating outside. Mr Hills made some notes on these, which I think will be shared with you all. I encourage as many of you as possible to attend our next session.
Next term:
During the next term, we should be able to open the field at both break and lunch (if it is dry enough!) which will create more space for us to use. Last year, in the run up to the GCSEs we only allowed Year 11 in to the College building before school started. This was to give them a quiet space to revise between 8.00 and 8.25. We will do the same again this year as the weather gets better. I am sure you will all understand the importance of this to Year 11 and you will have the same privilege when you take your exams.
Changes to the building:
A point about the building – you will notice that we have changed the entry system to make the site more secure. There is now a new door at the front of the building for visitors who arrive after school has started, as well a new door entry system by the canteen, which is controlled via a camera in reception. Water fountains will be installed in the Easter break.
Sports results / information from last week:
Last week was sport relief and we ran: Badminton, dodgeball, crash mat racing, basketball and football against staff. The PE department have told me that staff won all the events!
Well done to the Year 8 Girls netball team who won 12-1 against Felpham.
I believe that manners are incredibly important. On Friday in between lessons I spoke to well over 20 students as they moved between classes. I said hello to them all and asked them how they were. They all replied and all asked me how I was. It is great to see manners being used so consistently – it is incredibly important.
Have a good week.