First blog from your House Captains!
Last week Mr Edwards announced in his blog that students will be writing the blog once per fortnight and that he will write it in the other week. Other groups of students will also take turns to update you about what they are working on in our College. We have kept the notices and the sports results so that we are all kept up to date! This blog has been written jointly by: Alex Martirez, Emerson Fisher, Erin O'Sullivan, Cleopatra Dickens, Katie-Mae White and Amber Houghton-Wilson.
We are excited to announce our participation in ‘Red Nose Day’ on Friday 15 March. This is being organised by our heads of house and 6th form. A FIFA match, welly wanging and the house treasure hunt competition will all occur during next week – please make sure you take part! Also, 15 March will be a non-uniform day with a ‘red’ theme, so please make sure you bring your donation if you want to wear your own clothes! All the money we raise will be donated to the Comic Relief Charity.
A few weeks ago, House Captains discussed bullying in one of our meetings. One person from each tutor group will be nominated to be an Anti-Bullying Ambassador and will be trained by an external provider at the beginning of May. Those who take part will receive a certificate and badge at the end of the day, if they pass the exam! If you are an Ambassador, you will be responsible for helping classmates who have experienced bullying or need help. Staff and heads of house will be trained too.
In other news, we have given our feedback to the school canteen to support us in becoming a plastic free school. They have returned to us with the idea of a plastic free competition to raise awareness and are looking out for opportunities for reduced plastic packaging.
As you may know Sierra Leone is one of the poorest countries in the world, so it is vital that our college supports and helps children to get a better education. All we need to raise is £250 for one child to go to school for the year; something that will change their life. This is less than 25p per person in our college. Charitable events and lunchtime activities will support this.
- Gilbert Hannam day on Thursday
- Comic Relief on Friday
- Year 7 and 8 classroom-based exams
- Rother Valley Year 6 maths students on Wednesday
- Student voice question time with Mr Edwards on 15 March in the theatre at lunch
Sports Results:
- Year 9 girls’ netball team beat Chichester High school 15-10 and ladies of the match were Amber Evans and Honor Hawkes.
- Year 8 girls’ netball team beat Chichester High school 21- 0 and ladies of the match were Grace Godfrey and Charlotte Baker.
- Year 10 boys’ football team lost to Bourne 5-2, and the rugby team lost 19-17 to OSVA.
- In the Sussex cross country finals at Christ’s Hospital, we had four students inside the top 45, in races with over 200 students.
If you have any further questions feel free to ask your House Captains in tutor time for more information and have a lovely week.