Gilbert Hannam: the founder of our College
Last week on Thursday we celebrated Gilbert Hannam day. Gilbert Hannam was a believer that education should be free and he founded our College in 1672, nearly 350 years ago, for the education of 12 poor protestant boys. His wish that poor students should be educated for free was maintained until the Grammar School merged with the neighbouring Secondary Modern in 1966.
Gilbert Hannam set up a foundation with 20 shillings before he died and requested that this money be used to support the education of the children in our College. The foundation still supports the College today and assists with educational visits, bursaries and awards. The foundation also supports individuals and departments, as well providing the prizes on our awards evenings. Despite his death in 1677, the effects of the charitable work he undertook on behalf of the children of our town is still being felt today. It is right that we remember him and mark this occasion.
I would also like to thank those of you who supported Comic Relief on Friday. It was a great day and we raised a significant amount of money for this good cause. We live in one of the wealthiest countries in the World and it is right that we support local, national and international charities. Well done to all students and in particular a thank you our sixth formers who helped to organise the day.
Well done to our Year 11 drama students for their fantastic performances on Tuesday and Wednesday last week!
- Spring concert on Tuesday
- Year 9 parents’ evening on Thursday
- INSET day on Wednesday – College will be closed to students, apart from those Year 11 who have been invited to attend
Sports Results:
As always, a huge thank you to those students who represent our College:
- Year 10 boys’ football lost 3-0 to Chichester High school and Sam Britton was man of the match.
- Year 7 girls’ netball team lost 12-6 to Chichester High school and lady of the match was Rosie Willis.
- Year 10 girls’ netball A team won 22-3 and the B team won 23-9 against Chichester High School. Ladies of the matches were Amelia Field and Clemmie Russel-Stoneham.
Have a good week