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Holocaust Memorial Day is this week.

News Editor 0 4548

This is an incredibly important day, which we will mark this week with activities in tutor time. It is important that we remember the Holocaust and also consider other atrocities that have taken place since then. We must also acknowledge that similar atrocities re happening in parts of the world now. The focus of our assemblies this week will be Respect.

Welcome back to a new term - a very Happy New Year to everyone!

News Editor 0 4719
2017 was positive at MRC for lots of reasons. Several of our students are now at great Universities, we achieved our best GCSE results in years and our best A-Level results ever. Just as important as this is the work you did and continue to do for our College community: we raised several thousands of pounds for charities and every day, I see students supporting and helping one another. It is essential we all commit to continue to do this as it makes our College and environment much better.

This term has gone by very quickly and there is a lot to reflect on as we approach the Christmas holiday.

News Editor 0 3689
I would like to start by thanking you all for the contribution you all make to our College. I know we don’t all get it right all the time, but I am sure that we do all we can to support each other and treat other the way in which we wish to be treated. If you feel you haven’t always done this over the course of the term, it is important to reflect on this and resolve to always do better. The overwhelming majority of you get it right all the time and are fantastic ambassadors for MRC. Thank you.

The focus of our assemblies and tutor time this week is our value of Respect.

News Editor 0 4555

Respect is crucial to the way the College operates. We had a visiting Vice Principal from another United Learning Academy last week. Mrs Close spent time talking to student and she was incredibly impressed with you and the way you show respect for each other. Respect for and tolerance of individual differences is really important and is something we must all uphold. We are open minded’ is a key phrase from our Respect poster and we must all live by this.

This week the focus of our assemblies is our value of Respect.

News Editor 0 4040

Respect is a key value, not just at MRC but also in the wider community. The way we treat each other is incredibly important and we must all seek to treat each other the way in which we want to be treated ourselves. We must also remember to respect individual differences in school. I am always very proud of the way you treat and support each other; it is one of the things I think sets our school apart.

Happiness was chosen as one of our core values by students last year.

News Editor 0 4118

Every day, I see our students students working together and supporting one another. We care about all the students in the College and we work together to make MRC a better place to learn, grow and make friendships every day. I would like to ask all our students to reflect on how we can make the school even better so that every day is better than the day before. We will achieve this when we all try harder every day to be the best we can be and I'd like to ask all students to focus on this this week. We say 'we do what it takes for as long as it takes' and this applies to supporting one another as much as it does to classwork. 




It was great to see students actively supporting Children In Need this week.

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Last year, we raised just over £1000 for this great cause. This year, we raised over £1200, which is a fantastic achievement. As part of our 'Respect' value, students have been learning in tutor time and assemblies about how the money they donated will make a real difference to disadvantaged young people across the country. I see our students, your children, regularly supporting and helping each other in College. I am proud that they also want to support others on a national level and this is part of our ethos at the College as we  develop students' sense of community. I was also pleased to receive an email from a member of the public about how one of our Year 7 students assisted a member of the public this week; we have great students at MRC. 


This has been a particularly busy week in College and there is much to update you about.

News Editor 0 3651

On Wednesday last week (8th November) Gillian Keegan, our local MP, came to visit the College. Gillian has a wealth of experience having worked in industry for many years prior to being elected to Parliament. During her visit, she taught a Year 10 business class and also led a session with our scholars group, giving information about her background also taking questions from students. 




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