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Ofsted Outstanding
Janet Gibbs
/ Categories: Principals Blog

Sponsored Walk

Our values of respect, happiness and achievement are incredibly important to our College. It is important that we all demonstrate these at every opportunity. This means we should respect each other and treat one another the way we want to be treated. We should commit to work our hardest to achieve our very best and that we should promote happiness through being tolerant, pleasant and polite at all times. These values underpin MRC and the way we work – we know we don’t always get it right, but our focus always be on ‘doing the right thing’.

As part of our respect value, it is important that we help and support others who need it. This year, our sponsored walk will support the Sussex Snowdrop Trust, a local charity that supports children who have life-threatening of limiting illnesses. I would like to challenge you all to raise £20 each for this fantastic cause. The walk is on 8 July and will be 10 miles, in and around Midhurst. A great opportunity to support a great charity and also to be ambassadors for our College in the community.

I would also like to remind you all about the importance of safeguarding. If you have any concerns about issues at home or at school, please talk to a member of staff. They will either help you themselves, or will make sure you get the help you need.

A huge well done to all involved in the Art, Design and Technology exhibition on Tuesday – really fantastic work! Also, well done to staff and students in the ‘sound of musicals’ – great performances all round!


Notices for this week:

  • Mudlarks in the Amphitheatre on Tuesday at 5.30pm
  • Year 11 Prom on Wednesday
  • New Year 12 induction day on Tuesday
  • Year 10 futures day on Friday
  • The Big Bang Year 7 trip to the South of England show


Sports results:

The U13s cricket team beat the Free school 108-68. Man of the match was Seb Cobbold and Manni Bell.

The U15s cricket team beat Bourne CC 70-69. Man of the match was Kieran Edwards.

I also wanted to mention that Dan Stevens in Year 8 ran in the Worthing 5K race for life and raised £220. An excellent achievement and a great cause to run for.


Have a good week



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