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Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the summer term. I hope you all had a very good Easter break. I’d like to start by saying well done to our Year 11 students who attended revision sessions over the holidays – this will definitely help with the real exams. A particular thank you to the staff who came in to deliver the sessions, too. I would also like to welcome back Miss Jessop. Miss Jessop returns to us having been interim Principal for the last two terms at another United Learning Academy. It is great to have her back with us.

 The start of a new term is a good time to remind ourselves of the high standards we must all set for ourselves. There are some non-negotiables for all of us, these include:

·         Best behaviour at all times, both in and outside of lessons

·         Always produce your very best work and work your hardest

·         Be on time to every lesson

·         Wear the MRC uniform with pride


The vast majority of you do the above every day. It is essential that we all push ourselves to be the best person we can be, every day. Mutual respect and tolerance are essential parts of this.

 Changes over the break:

There are a few changes to make you aware of from work done over the holiday:

·         The water fountains have been replaced. We have new fountains which do not leak! The same rules apply as before – they are only to be used during break and lunch – not lesson time

·         We have a new entry system for visitors to the College, as well as new doors by the canteen

 As Year 11 move towards their exams, we will move to only Year 11 being in the College building before school starts in the morning. This will give Year 11 time and space to revise every day before school. We did the same thing last year and I am sure you will understand that it is important for Year 11 to have this space and time.


A huge thank you and well done to all who participated in the Spring Concert. It was a fantastic evening! Thank you also to Mrs Tidbury for organising the event.


No sports results to share this week – these will return next week


Have a good week


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