Well done and thank you to all for a really positive first week back!
Last week was a very positive week in College. I visited lots of lessons and in every case, saw you working hard and getting on with your work. This is a really good start to the term – well done and thank you! We must make sure we keep this up!
In assemblies last week, I focussed on New Year’s Resolutions and challenged everyone, including myself and all the staff’ to ‘be the best we can be, every day.’ This should apply to everything we do, whether that is working in lessons, helping others, or supporting at home. There is always an opportunity to do things better and it would make our College even better, if we all work to do this. The second part of the message was about committing to do better today than we were yesterday, so that we continually improve – a challenge for us all in 2018 and one I am sure we can all commit to do.
We have high expectations of all of you and everything we do. This doesn’t meant that we get it right all the time, but we are certainly working our hardest to make sure that we do. As part of this, we will continue to ask for you produce your best work, best behaviour, you work your hardest and that you are always on time. It is also right that we are proud of and celebrate when we do things well – both in and outside of the classroom. We have some great sports results from last week – well done to all!:
Year 10 netball team won 15-5 against St Philip Howard
Year 11 football team won 4-2 against Bourne
Area indoor athletics which took place at the Weald School:
The standard of uniform in the College is very good – it is important that we maintain and also up our standards here, which we will do this week. It is also good to see a big reduction in the amount of litter in the College – thank you for your efforts to keep our College tidy – please keep it up!
You will all know that we ask you to do complete 30 minutes of Hegartymaths every other day and that we also ask Year 11 students to do science revision on Tassimai every other day too. These online resources will help embed learning in these two key subjects. Getting in to a good routine and using them regularly will make excellence into a habit.