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CPD library for staff

What will you read next?

All recent research demonstrates clearly that teachers continue to develop their own effectiveness and therefore improve student outcomes when they regularly reflect on and engage with both subject and pedagogical knowledge. 

The MRC CPD library can help you in this endeavour.

What titles do we have?

The CPD library has a range of titles available covering current 'hot topics' in pedagogy, the psychology of learners, how to apply relevant research in a classroom setting; books on a range of teaching and learning basics, such as behaviour and engagement, as well as books on educational management and those suited to ITT and NQTs. 

Some of the pedagogy titles available include:

  • The Learning Rainforest – Great Teaching in Real Classrooms – Tom Sherrington

  • What Does this Look Like in the Classroom? Bridging the Gap Between Research & Practice – Hendrick & MacPherson

  • Make It Stick – The Science of Successful Learning – Brown, Roediger, McDaniel

  • Why Don’t Students Like School? – Daniel Willingham

  • The Hidden Lives of Learners – Graham Nuthall

  • Making Every Lesson Count: Six Principles to Support Great Teaching & Learning – Allison & Tharby

  • Mindset – Carol Dweck

  • Teach Like A Champion – Doug Lemov

For a full list, please see the attached Word document.

Where is it?

For the time being, the library will be housed in the English workbase on the top floor in Tennyson, until a more permanent home is found.

How do I borrow a book?

If you want to borrow a book, please email Sarah Nathaniel or pop into the workbase. We will use a signing in and out system to keep track of where books are, as most have been kindly loaned by other members of staff. 

Do you have any books we could add to the Library?

If you have any titles gathering dust on a bookshelf at home or in your office, please consider offering them for borrowing. They will remain your property but will just become available to other staff to benefit from also. 

Contact Sarah Nathaniel if you have any books we can use, or if you have any other questions or suggestions about the CPD Library.

Happy Reading!


The Importance of Feedback After Summative Assessment

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