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Speed Dating CPD session

Speed Dating CPD session

Sharing good practice









Educational research shows that one of the most effective ways of delivering meaningful CPD to teachers is to give them the opportunity to discuss good practice and ideas together.

This was the rationale behind our very successful Speed Dating CPD session on Friday 4th May.

10 teachers kindly agreed to share their best teaching & learning ideas and hacks to staff gathered in the theatre. All presenters had 5 minutes to 'sell their wares' before groups moved on. The idea, as always, was to provide simple and easy 'takeaway' ideas, that can be integrated easily into existing practice.

Teachers attending were asked to evaluate the most useful ideas they had seen and it was very pleasing to receive such positive feedback on the session.

Outlined below is a summary of each presentation and all resources are attached at the bottom for you to use.

A massive thank you to those who presented and as we hope to run this event again, anyone interested in presenting next time, please do email Sarah Nathaniel.


Sally Tidbury

Effective feedback ideas to cut marking and planning time.

Siobhan Hook

Rationale behind effective feedback and ways of applying in the classroom.

Rob Hickman

Pre-starters are a great way of engaging pupils from the start of the lesson, ensuring they have a task to complete as soon as they enter the room and avoids any ‘dead’ time. These can be anything such as an analysis of a source, jumbled up key words or photo ‘caption competitions’ and they hook pupils’ engagement. 

Tom Chaplin

A range of quick and useful ideas for delivering plenaries and confidence checks.

Heide Evans

5 a Day - Ways of consolidating learning through a simple, but powerful, retrieval practice task.


Colin Harris

'Thinking quilts' are a good revision/consolidation activity for GCSE/A Level or any end of unit assessment.

Kayleigh Axford

Questioning- looking at some of the common statistics of questioning in classrooms and demonstrating tactics to avoid falling into the classic mistakes. The session models skills that can be used with students and a ‘how-to-guide’ to take away to support questioning success.

The questioning cards from this session are available in the staffroom.

Simon Hills

We’ve all done it, ‘Ok we are doing group work today….’ and we get the students into groups and then give a task.

Our expectation is that they know how to work in a group, with other students, some who are more able than them, some less, others quiet, some loud etc!

How much actual work and progress are they all making or doing in this scenario.

If we can get this right and train the students then the research suggests they can make gains quite rapidly in small collaborative work with each other.

Lucy Owoh

Using mnemonics and images to aid memory retention.

Sarah Nathaniel

Structure strips - a simple and easily adaptable way of scaffolding and modelling written responses.


Learning Culture and the Classroom
What Makes Effective Groupwork?

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