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Mrs Claire Dickens Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Every person within our community is valued equally and should be treated as such, regardless of their age; gender; sexual orientation; lifestyle choices; race; religion; physical ability or disability. 

All children and young people have the right to go about their daily lives without the fear of being threatened, assaulted or harassed. Midhurst Rother College will take all allegations of safeguarding and bullying seriously as we are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our students so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere free from oppression and abuse. 

All adults at Midhurst Rother College will listen to students concerns over safeguarding and bullying and will take appropriate actions to ensure that they are addressed in a timely and robust manner.  If you wish to report a bullying incident please speak to your Tutor, The Head of Year, any member of staff or the MRC website. If you wish to contact us to ask for Safeguarding or Wellbeing help, but find it hard to come and speak to us, please fill in the form with your details and we will find you.




Wellbeing and Mental Health @ MRC

Increasing numbers of young people are experiencing anxiety, depression, oppositional disorders and attention difficulties as part of poor mental health. While most children and young people will not experience mental health problems, a significant number will. Recent research has identified that a focus on mental toughness, emotional resilience and meta-cognition are at the heart of prevention to support mental health and emotional wellbeing within schools, coupled with targeted intervention when needed. At MRC we are eager to explore and embrace any approaches we believe will be to the benefit of our students. The curriculum seeks to educate beyond the confines of academic progress; challenging, stimulating and supporting young people throughout both their personal and academic journey. We are always mindful of this, and our approach to mental health and wellbeing is integral to this. We therefore work with a holistic approach that places education and guidance for all students and families as its core, whilst utilising many additional options to ensure the best provision is available when most needed. 

MRC Wellbeing Strategy - Aims

To raise the profile of positive mental health and wellbeing for staff and students

To ensure students wellbeing is enhanced via their ability to keep themselves safe

To work with appropriate agencies on a coordinated approach to better support students and families in addressing mental health concerns


What does this look like at MRC?


  • Expansion of PSHE curriculum in KS3 and KS4 to provide more time and focus on mental health and wellbeing
  • Period 6 enrichment activities with a theraputic approach - lego therapy, art, mandala making
  • Tutor time check-ins with themed sessions e.g Safer internet week
  • Assemblies focused on current topics and trusted sources of support and guidance

Pastoral Provision

  • Head of Year - drop-in support for all students and intensive 1:1 support where needed
  • Close work with external agencies to ensure most appropriate support is in place 
  • In school Counsellor - individual and group work
  • Fortnightly training to enhance and target individual student needs
  • Emotional School Based Avoidance Coordinator working to re-engage absent students 
  • Educational Mental Health Practitioners - NHS trainees supporting their school training

Whole staff training and support

  • CPD training opportunities in place for all staff (eg. half termly safeguarding training, self harm, depression and grief, resilience)
  • Development of staff wellbeing group
  • Supervision sessions for the safeguarding team
  • Diana Award - Anti Bullying Ambassador trained

Student voice and student groups

  • 'Allsorts' LGBTQ group
  • Workshops for small groups on anxiety, self-esteem, anger management


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